
To Contact Kevin Revolinski at The Mad Traveler, send an email to:
revtravel [at] yahoo [dot] com
Email Kevin to order personalized, signed copies of any of his books (takes you to his author site).

35 thoughts on “Contact

  • Nihan Aytekin


    Su an “Yogurt Man Cometh” isimli kitabınızı okuyorum.
    Kisa, oz ve Turk kulturune cok boyutlu bir bakis acisi sunuyor.
    “Kulturler arasi iletisim” ve “Turk Imaji” konularinda calisan bir arastirmaci olarak gozlemleriniz benim icin cok degerli.
    Tesekkur ederim,

    Dr. Nihan AYTEKIN
    (Celal Bayar Universitesi_Manisa_Turkey)

  • Nihan Aytekin


    Su an “Yogurt Man Cometh” isimli kitabınızı okuyorum.
    Kisa, oz ve Turk kulturune cok boyutlu bir bakis acisi sunuyor.
    “Kulturler arasi iletisim” ve “Turk Imaji” konularinda calisan bir arastirmaci olarak gozlemleriniz benim icin cok degerli.
    Tesekkur ederim,

    Dr. Nihan AYTEKIN
    (Celal Bayar Universitesi_Manisa_Turkey)

  • Kevin Revolinski

    Çok teşekkür ederim!

  • Kevin Revolinski

    Çok teşekkür ederim!

  • When can one expect to see the red poppies blooming throughout France and Belgium?

    • Kevin Revolinski

      It’s a spring flower, so figure April, depending on how long winter stretches, and likely into June. Although I’ve read you can see them as late as August, I wouldn’t expect that to be in abundance or a guarantee.

  • When can one expect to see the red poppies blooming throughout France and Belgium?

    • Kevin Revolinski

      It’s a spring flower, so figure April, depending on how long winter stretches, and likely into June. Although I’ve read you can see them as late as August, I wouldn’t expect that to be in abundance or a guarantee.

  • Mike Sattem

    Hey Kevin, just read your article in the Chicago Tribune. I am writing ti you from Hereford and Hops in Escanaba. Wondering if we could talk. We were the first Brewpub in the Upper Peninsula but were the only one not in the article.

    • Hi Mike! I am very familiar with you and I am just now working on your listing in my forthcoming book Michigan’s Best Beer Guide. I stopped by this summer but you were at a fest that day. I’m sorry if that article looked like a snub! The Tribune had already written you up in a “Breweries of Lake Michigan” piece ( so when I pitched the idea to them, they wanted something different. The article was SUPPOSED to be “Michigan’s Lake Superior Brews” and it was supposed to run last September as a fall colors item. I’ll be posting a version of it on my site or and will be happy to make it simply the UP in its entirety.

  • Mike Sattem

    Hey Kevin, just read your article in the Chicago Tribune. I am writing ti you from Hereford and Hops in Escanaba. Wondering if we could talk. We were the first Brewpub in the Upper Peninsula but were the only one not in the article.

    • Hi Mike! I am very familiar with you and I am just now working on your listing in my forthcoming book Michigan’s Best Beer Guide. I stopped by this summer but you were at a fest that day. I’m sorry if that article looked like a snub! The Tribune had already written you up in a “Breweries of Lake Michigan” piece ( so when I pitched the idea to them, they wanted something different. The article was SUPPOSED to be “Michigan’s Lake Superior Brews” and it was supposed to run last September as a fall colors item. I’ll be posting a version of it on my site or and will be happy to make it simply the UP in its entirety.

  • Eugene Mcelhinney

    Hey Kevin
    My name is Eugene and along with you, Marty and enelis I am one of the roghudi four. Yes region calabria man !!! Great to see your writing success. IM still TEFL, married to Pauline and living in Dublin. More soon.

    • Eugene!!!!! Holy hell where have you been???? Was so excited to see your message I actually almost forgot to respond. Called Marty first. Ha. Shoot me an email at revtravel at the yahoo com variety. I’m on Facebook and Twitter under my own name if you do that sort of thing. I rather prefer emails but I suppose posting photos has its entertainment value. I contacted LL once in an attempt to find you, but they weren’t much help. Email me!

      • Matt Funderburk

        I was hoping to contact Kevin R. With some questions about his book “Wisconsin’s Best BEER GUIDE”. I live in a state like many others where craft breweries are starting to pop up, but there is no beer guide book for a directory. I have purchased a few beer guides for different states and I love the way yours is set up and in interested and participating preparing a guidebook for my state. Any suggestions or guidance would be much appreciated thanks.

  • Eugene Mcelhinney

    Hey Kevin
    My name is Eugene and along with you, Marty and enelis I am one of the roghudi four. Yes region calabria man !!! Great to see your writing success. IM still TEFL, married to Pauline and living in Dublin. More soon.

    • Eugene!!!!! Holy hell where have you been???? Was so excited to see your message I actually almost forgot to respond. Called Marty first. Ha. Shoot me an email at revtravel at the yahoo com variety. I’m on Facebook and Twitter under my own name if you do that sort of thing. I rather prefer emails but I suppose posting photos has its entertainment value. I contacted LL once in an attempt to find you, but they weren’t much help. Email me!

  • Pingback: Work in Progress: Paddling Wisconsin guidebook

  • Pingback: Work in Progress: Paddling Wisconsin guidebook

  • Hey Rev

    I’m hoping to go to Palestine via Jordan end of September. I’m Pakistani (British born with a British passport)
    Do you envisage much problems for me? And can I exit and re-enter Israel?

    • There shouldn’t be any visa troubles. If you do have any hassles for being Pakistani, please report them to us, but the passport and rules shouldn’t make trouble for you. I’ve never been to Palestine. I imagine they watch entries pretty closely, so they may ask a lot of questions. Just be cheery and honest, I always say. 🙂

  • Hey Rev

    I’m hoping to go to Palestine via Jordan end of September. I’m Pakistani (British born with a British passport)
    Do you envisage much problems for me? And can I exit and re-enter Israel?

    • There shouldn’t be any visa troubles. If you do have any hassles for being Pakistani, please report them to us, but the passport and rules shouldn’t make trouble for you. I’ve never been to Palestine. I imagine they watch entries pretty closely, so they may ask a lot of questions. Just be cheery and honest, I always say. 🙂

  • Hi there,
    I’m planning on travelling with my two kids (10 + 15) from Israel to Jordan – we want to go to Petra, Wadi Rum, etc. and have not yet planned how to do this other than get a taxi from jerusalem to the King Hussein Bridge and then either get taxi or hire a car from the border and take it from there. Do you think it’s necessary to do this sort of trip through a tour company (ie get something organised in advance, incl accom, vehicle, driver, etc) or do you think winging it, hiring a car and following our own noses (to an extent, at least! -we’d have a planned route). We and the kids are well-travelled and happy to do some rough, some lux. Thanks for any advice!

  • Hi there,
    I’m planning on travelling with my two kids (10 + 15) from Israel to Jordan – we want to go to Petra, Wadi Rum, etc. and have not yet planned how to do this other than get a taxi from jerusalem to the King Hussein Bridge and then either get taxi or hire a car from the border and take it from there. Do you think it’s necessary to do this sort of trip through a tour company (ie get something organised in advance, incl accom, vehicle, driver, etc) or do you think winging it, hiring a car and following our own noses (to an extent, at least! -we’d have a planned route). We and the kids are well-travelled and happy to do some rough, some lux. Thanks for any advice!

  • Stephanie


    I’m not sure if you remember me, but we both got hired in international teaching jobs (you Turkey, me Ethiopia) way back in the mid to late 90s. We bonded over a “Kicking and Screaming” discussion.

    I found you because I was looking at my hometown bookstore’s Facebook page (the Bookman in Grand Haven) to see what was going on. I saw that you had done an author reading there recently. I used to work at that bookstore back in college. It was one of my all-time favorite jobs and author readings were always a highlight. If you met someone there named Aimee, you could have had an extensive discussion of “Kicking and Screaming” with her.

    I’m really happy to see that you’ve continued with writing. A beer guide is always good!

    As for me, I live in Tunisia now with my husband and two kids (8 and 10). We moved here last year from Ramallah, Palestine where we lived for 9 years. “The Yogurt Man Cometh” sits on our bookshelf upstairs.

    Monkeys, monkeys, Ted and Alice,


    • And an Ethiopian fly shooer hangs in our living room! Of course I remember you! Going to email you now.

      Cookie Man

    • Hey! I just sent an email to you and it bounced back. Email me so I can send it again please 🙂 revtravel [at] yahoo com

  • Stephanie


    I’m not sure if you remember me, but we both got hired in international teaching jobs (you Turkey, me Ethiopia) way back in the mid to late 90s. We bonded over a “Kicking and Screaming” discussion.

    I found you because I was looking at my hometown bookstore’s Facebook page (the Bookman in Grand Haven) to see what was going on. I saw that you had done an author reading there recently. I used to work at that bookstore back in college. It was one of my all-time favorite jobs and author readings were always a highlight. If you met someone there named Aimee, you could have had an extensive discussion of “Kicking and Screaming” with her.

    I’m really happy to see that you’ve continued with writing. A beer guide is always good!

    As for me, I live in Tunisia now with my husband and two kids (8 and 10). We moved here last year from Ramallah, Palestine where we lived for 9 years. “The Yogurt Man Cometh” sits on our bookshelf upstairs.

    Monkeys, monkeys, Ted and Alice,


    • And an Ethiopian fly shooer hangs in our living room! Of course I remember you! Going to email you now.

      Cookie Man

    • Hey! I just sent an email to you and it bounced back. Email me so I can send it again please 🙂 revtravel [at] yahoo com


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