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Birthday and Travel Ambition

It’s not just Johnny Depp’s birthday today…
Egypt just before I turned 30.

Cuba when I was “the age of Christ” (33) — so said everyone in Guatemala with a sigh when I said how old I was.

I’ve counted and recounted and I don’t think I’ve missed any. And counting Hong Kong independent of China and the US Virgin Islands as a country (I’m sure to get arguments on that), I am saying that up until today, the first day of what will be my 42nd year, I have visited 47 countries. My goal is to hit 50 by New Year’s and I can already say that Malaysia will be one of the three (in October), though probably not number 50. For some reason I feel like 50 should be something special, a significantly desirable place (as opposed to say a layover in Moldova – no offense Moldovans*). I am open to ideas. Any suggestions???

I’ve been to all of Central America, much of SE Asia, half of South America, parts of the Middle East, right few in Europe and Africa) What’s a worthy Number 50? Comments are open. Post ’em if you got ’em!

*If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner. The author travels to the alleged happiest countries on Earth to see what makes them so dang happy. He hits a couple of unhappy ones as well and one is Moldova, the name of which even sounds a bit bleak, like “mulled over.” The book offers pretty good insights into a number of rather different cultures and makes for some good laughs along the way. Who knew Iceland was so freaking happy? And I love Thailand’s secret: “Don’t think too much.” If only that were possible… Anyway, post some ideas please!

Kevin Revolinski

Author, travel writer/photographer, world traveler. Writes about travel, hiking, camping, paddling, and craft beer.

4 thoughts on “Birthday and Travel Ambition

  • New Zealand! Go for at least a couple of weeks.

  • New Zealand would be great, and not so far if I am already in SE Asia.

    Tim, that Dancing Matt video is the best, unbeatable. What a great idea and what an inspirational feeling you get from watching it. Very cool.

  • I appreciate the labour you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.


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